Friday, September 30, 2011

Latest buys

 Recently I was at the Paddington Antique Centre and stumbled across this set of old hand beaters.  They were so irresistable to me that I paid way too much money for them.  The memories it stirs in my mind and my heart was well worth it though I reckon. 

I used to cook with my Nan a lot when I was little (well she cooked, and I licked the beaters) and it was special times for us both.  If it wasn't lamingtons, it was jelly cakes or lemon slice or trifle.

This kitchen where I cooked was inside this home, the home where my Dad grew up and I spent lots of time being looked after by my grandparents before I started school.

I love this house, this is a recent photo, taken in June this year.  My Dad had passed away and I had rushed home when I knew he had only a few days left on this earth, said my final goodbyes and bid farewell to an amazing father, I was so blessed to have him in my life. 
So this house is very special to me.

(4 Andrew Street, Kerang, Victoria)

Something else I bought recently is this little blue colander, especially sourced to store the eggs laid by my girls, Poh, Louie and Sofia.  There is nothing nicer than a bowl of fresh free range hens eggs on display on your kitchen bench in a cute old colander.  I bought a silver one also to keep my pegs in at the clothesline.  It's a perfect storage solution, if you leave them out in the rain then the water simply drains through the holes and your pegs don't rust.  Also the container won't perish like those silly plastic peg buckets which only last a year or two in the weather.  I highly recommend one of these as your next peg bucket.  They look great too ! 

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